Run for 30 minutes straight? Learn how to do just that with this Ten Week Program

This program is super easy to follow, and great for beginners. If you want to be able to run an entire 30 minutes straight, you are in the right place!

Look at that little baby!!! (picture from 2008)


First things first, throughout this article, when you read the word “run”, think anything faster than your normal walk. We don’t have to sprint to be a runner. We can jog and be a runner; we can jog as fast or as slow as our bodies need, and we are still runners. There is no shame in pace here.

When I first started running (back in 2008!!) I could barely run for 30 seconds straight, and the thought of being able to run for 30 minutes straight wasn’t even in my mind. I was joining the military in a few months, and I knew I HAD to be able to run. The plan listed below is exactly what I did, and by the time I left for basic training, running was the least of my worries.

Step 1

You have to be able to walk before you can run. I am absolutely not a Dr, so as always consult your primary care physician before starting any new workouts.

After you’ve gotten the A-Ok from Doc, you need to assess your current fitness level. It’s a good idea to start with a month or two of walking for 30 minutes straight a few times a week. Especially if you’ve never ran or worked out before and live a mostly sedentary lifestyle. This will get your body used to the movement and help prevent any injuries. Before you start this plan, you want to feel good while walking and you should be able to hold a normal conversation comfortably during the entire walk.

Step 2

Now time for the fun. If you’ve been walking the last month or so for 30 minutes, then these next few steps should be a breeze to implement! You are still going to work out for 30 minutes at a time, but I would recommend adding a 5-minute cool down, and a warmup if necessary.

For this plan you will alternate walking and running for a total time of 30 minutes. As the weeks progress, the walking time will decrease while the running time increases. This makes for such a smooth transition from walking to running. And if you feel like you ever need to, just repeat one of the weeks until you are more comfortable moving up to the next.

Here is the full plan:

1Alternate 1 minute of running with 4 minutes of walking. Repeat 6 times.
2Alternate 2 minutes of running with 3 minutes of walking. Repeat 6 times.
3Alternate 3 minutes of running with 2 minutes of walking. Repeat 6 times.
4Alternate 4 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking. Repeat 6 times.
5Alternate 5 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking. Repeat 5 times.
6Alternate 7 minutes of running with 3 minutes of walking. Repeat 3 times.
7Alternate 8 minutes of running with 2 minutes of walking. Repeat 3 times.
8Alternate 9 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking. Repeat 3 times.
9Alternate 14 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking. Repeat 2 times.
10Run for 30 minutes!!!
Repeat any week as needed!!

There you go!! By following that plan, you should see drastic improvement in your running abilities. And remember, this isn’t a race or competition. You should be enjoying this program, and repeating a week so you don’t hurt yourself is way more important than pushing yourself to the point of injury or burnout.

Running is definitely an “all you need is tennis shoes (and a good sports bra)” sport! But if you want to check out some of my favorite running accessories they are linked here! Thank you!! Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is any other way I can help you along your running journey.